
This is an actual challenge that was sent out on the SF:STG mailing list's e-mail tournament being run by Rinaldo. Even though the challenge wasn't for my character, I, being a sarcastic son of a Baptist, took it upon myself to mock and belittle the poor schmuck who send it out. Naturally, the guy expanded his challenge to include my character, Gokiwa. He was a bit upset when Gokiwa defeated his character without getting a scratch on him (in three rounds no less).

Ken: Hey, Ryu come over here for a sec.

Ryu: What's up, Ken?

Ken: It seems we have a message to MST3K?

Ryu: MS What?

Ken: Geez, you really do just live for the fight. It's where we make sarcastic comments line by line about something, in this case an E-mail message.

Ryu: Oh, sort of like how you copied Master Gouken when his back was turned.

Ken: Errr.

Ryu: And he made you get the firewood, without an axe for 2 months as punishment.

Ken [Grabs Ryu in a noogie]: I seem to recall you did something similar when he finally told us what Dragon Punch meant in Japanese.

Ryu: Owowowow. I admit it.

Ken: Fine then [releases ryu]

Ryu: So when do we start?

Ken: Right... now!

--- Andy wrote:
> Just so eveyone know a new fighter is joining the ranks of Rinaldo's
> tournament group.

Ryu: Rinaldo? Who's Rinaldo?

Ken: He's that new tournament promoter who's trying to start up a Gateway Tournament.

Ryu: Ah.

> Although I submitted him... he is NOT my character!!!

Ryu & Ken: Suuuuure he's not.

> This is my Brother (Tom's) Character, that he desigined especialy to
> brutilize street fighters.

Ryu: Bad idea, he's setting himself up for a fall.

Ken: Oh I don't know, a little confidence never hurts.

Ryu: Confidence yes. Cockiness no.

> He wishes to challenge the Shotokan practicioner, Genryu-Kai;
> please take note.
> He wishes to speak before the fight:

Ryu: We who are about to die salute you?

Ken: That's the spirit, Ryu.

> "Justin Credible has a message for all fighters.

Ken falls over laughing

I don't get it.

> Send me your weak,
> your
> strong, your impotent, it does not matter, they all will recieve the
> same
> fate.

Ken [weak]: Hey, Ryu, it sounds like he's challenging us.

Ryu [strong]: It certainly does.

Vega [impotent]: Indeed.

Ken & Ryu: Gah! Vega! What the.. How the heck did you get here.

Vega: Bah. Did you truly think that you could MST3K without my knowledge? I am Vega. Pass me the popcorn please, you worthless pile of excrement.

Ken: Sure [Passes the bowl]

Ryu [hissing]: Ken, that was our last bowl.

Ken [also hissing]: What did you want me to do? He said please.

> Your only chance lies in fantisies where you can dream of living
> past
> our fight.

Vega: Oooh, I like him.

Ryu: Figures.

I will bring pain to your existence, the way we do it in
> Alberta
> Canada.

Vega: You're going to force us to play Mortal Kombat: Mythologies?

Ken: You're going to build a snowman around us?

Ryu: You're going to deport us to America?

Ken: Hehheh... Hey!

>I'm not stupendous, i'm not impossible; i'm

Vega: A credulous fool who will fall before my power?

Ken: A hopeless moron with delusion of adequacy?

Ryu: Dan?


Ken & Vega: [snort]

Ryu: I still don't get it.

> Keep in mind, while I (Andy) may be this fighter's <manager> I in NO way
> associate myself with him OR my brother <otherwise>.

Vega: God I wish I could say that about my brother.

Ken: _You_ have a family, Vega?

Vega: Of course, why do you think I'm trying to take over the world? Alimony payments are expensive. And Christmas is coming up soon to. It never ends.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Ryu: Yeah right.

Ken: Hey Ryu. the message is over.

Ryu: Oh. DAMMIT!

> -- Create a poll/survey for your group!
> --

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win -- we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
