Federal Municipal Court
Washington DC
January 29, 11:36 PM

The gavel sounded the court back into session. "Next witness, please" intoned the black robed judge.

A large man, well muscled and bearing numerous knife scars, nervously approached the bench. His entire body was tense and overstressed. He raised his right hand and said in a rapid voice "I, Charles Usafara, do solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God."

A well dressed, rat-faced man stepped forward, "For the record, please state your former occupation and employer, Charles."

"I was a body guard and enforcer for a man called, Fernando DeGaul," Charles replied. A grimace of pain briefly flashed across his face.

"Is this man present in the courtroom today?" Rat-face inquired.

"Yes, he is the defendant." Charles stated. He seemed calmer now, much more relaxed and sure of himself.

"And what did you do for Mr. DeGaul, in your capacity as enforcer?"

As Charles opened his mouth to speak, a flash of pain shot through his head. His ears and nose began bleeding and his body started convulsing.

"Fffuuuccckkk You," he snarled between clenched teeth as he stood up, visibly sweating from the strain.

"I KILLED PEOPLE. I BLACKMAILED PEOPLE. AND I DID IT BECAUSE HE PAID ME TO!" Charles shouted, pointing a shaky finger at DeGaul before he collapsed dead at the stand.

"BAILIFF, GET A AMBULANCE HERE, NOW! ORDER IN THE COURT!" roared the judge as he pounded his gavel.

In the pandemonium of Charles' death, no one noticed the short man's evil grin as he slipped out the doors of the courthouse. Once outside he turned around and smiled again, small purple sparks coming from his eyes. He put on black sunglasses and walked away.

Chris Hoffmann proudly presents

A fanfic of X proportions

X-Files: The Stand

Part 1/?

J. Edgar Hoover Building
Washington DC
February 1, 12:45 am

Scully walked into Mulder's office, more than a little bit annoyed at her partner for waking her up. "All right Mulder, this had better be good," she snarled.

Mulder looked up from the file he was reading and took in his partner's sleepy appearance. "Now, now, Scully, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance," he said with a grin on his face.

Scully growled.

Smiling, Mulder handed her a copy of the autopsy report he was reading. "If you want, I can give you the Reader's Digest version."

Scully sighed, "enlighten me, keeper of the divine files." Sarcasm dripped from her voice.

"You know Scully, you should get more rest. You're definitely not a morning person," Mulder said as his grin grew to shit-eating proportions.

Scully searched the room briefly for something to brain Mulder with.

"Anyway, the deceased was Charles Usafara, the prosecution's star witness against a large drug ring. Official cause of death was recorded as a massive Cerebral Hemorrhage," Mulder stood up and started typing something on his keyboard.

Scully looked a little perplexed, "Ok I'll bite, what's so unusual about that?"

"Three things," Mulder said, his grin fading as he got serious, "first, this is the second time this has happened this year, the other victim was Richard Tio. Both of the deceased were extremely fit and practicing martial artists, and both turned states’ evidence against the same drug ring." He continued typing.


Mulder flashed her a brief grin, "I was anonymously e-mailed a movie file that showed Chucky…ah see for yourself." He turned the monitor around and pressed the enter key. "I would like your medical opinion on the cause of death."

As she watched the movie, Scully started shaking her head. "It doesn't make sense, Mulder. Hemorrhages don't usually cause that much external bleeding."

"According to the report, Chuck lost over two thirds of his blood through his nose, ears and eyes. It wasn't on the movie, but apparently the pressure was so great, it forced his eyes from their sockets." He swung the monitor back around and closed the file.

"My God," Scully breathed, "what could have caused that?" She tried to imagine what could naturally cause that amount of pressure in the blood stream. Her mind came back a blank.

"Whatever it was, it can be fought. If you look at the tape, you see that he suppressed the bleeding long enough to make that dramatic exit. That might be important later."

"So what’s the third?" asked Scully as she tried to hide the interest creeping through her weariness.

"We get the joy of guarding the last stool pigeon."

"There’s another one? Must be pretty brave to take the stand after what happened to the other two."

"Yeah, and because of your expertise in unexplained deaths, we’ll get this assignment." His grin threatened to do that shit-eating thing again.

"My expertise, and we will get the assignment?"

"Yep, you were asked for specifically by Lieutenant Guile, Air Force. Apparently this witness was also a member of the Air Force. We won’t officially be on the case until the third, but Skinner leaked it to me early so we could get a jump on it." His grin faded and changed to a pensive frown.

"Mulder, what’s wrong?" Usually Mulder was so gung-ho when he was on a case that he would leap where angels would run at top speed away.

"From 1989 to 1996 Colonel Guile was stationed at…"


"Ellens Air Force Base." Mulder had to force the words out.

Scully paused a second. That explained much. "Are you sure you want to do this, Mulder? They just asked for me you know," she reminded.

Mulder just looked at her for a few seconds. When an answer came he said it slowly and deliberately. "No. No I’m not sure, but I do know that I have to. I can’t let my fears overpower me." He forced a grin, "And you never know, I may be able to get some answers out of him."

Scully smiled to, "Good, glad to hear it, now tell me all about the unscientific theories you’re sure to have developed."

Mulder gave her a weak smile, "Ok, I’ve got two at the moment, although I’m sure that I’ll get more as we go along. The first is that some kind of poison or virus caused the heart to start beating harder and, of course, caused the bleeding and death."

Scully considered it, "hmmm, interesting theory, decidedly unparanormal. Was there anything unusual in the toxicology?"

Mulder frowned, "No, although that not conclusive if the poison broke down after death. Also the coroner didn’t find any undue stress on the heart, although I doubt he looked for any."

She nodded, "And the second?"

Mulder grinned again, "You’ll like this one, it’s very paranormal, I believe that someone, or something, psychically caused those men’s deaths."

Scully smiled again, "Very paranormal, why do you think that?"

Mulder turned around and started pulling out files, "Two things, both bodies were charged with static electricity, very common with psychically influenced objects or people. The second is that this is not a new phenomenon. At the turn of the century, ten people in America and twenty-three in Europe, died a very similar death to Chuck and Rich. The only known link between them besides the manner of death was that they were all part of the modern spiritualist movement."

Scully looked at her watch, 2:18. "Fascinating, Mulder, simply," she stifled a yawn, "fascinating. But I need to get back to sleep, and so do you."

Mulder stifles his own yawn, "all right mother, good night."