Disclaimer: The following characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi. Please don't' sue me for I am a College student and, therefor, inherently poor. Pippi Longstocking is owned by someone else (don't remember who).


"Well boy," said Gemna as he came to a halt, "here we are at the Legendary Training Grounds of Jusenkyo."

"Geez, Pop, this place looks weird." Ranma commented as he looked at the many pools of water with poles sticking out of them.

"Boy, never be deceived by appearances. It says that this is a famous training ground right here in my Where's Where of Training Grounds. Care to spar?"

Ranma shot Genma a cocky grin as he leaped up to one of the poles and waited for Genma to join him. Genma laughed and joined him, ignoring the cries of the guide.

Punches and kicks flew faster than the guide could follow but eventualy Ranma landed a shot to Genma's chest and sent him flying into one of the pools. Ranma jumped down to the ground, "What's the matter pops? Getting slow in your old age?"

There was no response from the pool as the gradualy settled down. "Pop?" Ranma asked in a quiet voice as he bent down over the pool where his father had vanished.

Suddenly a fur-clad paw grabed Ranma and tossed him over his shoulder into another pool. Genma then waded out of the pool holding a sign saying "I told you not to be fooled by appearances".

Ranma-chan leaped out of the pool and picked up a huge boulder and launched it at a wide eyed panda, who narowly avoided being crushed by the multi-ton mineral.

"Oh no, you fall in to the spring of the dround Longstocking. A tragic tail about the world's strongest woman falling into the spring and drounding. Now anyone who fall into spring become ridiculously strong girl. Oh the tragedy, but as springs go, it's not so bad."


Heh. I was just wondering, what if Ranma was stronger _and_ faster in girl form. It would create an interesting conflict between his inherent machismo (man among men and all that jazz) vs. the fact that he would be almost undefeatable in girl-form.

I figure that he would have aproximately Ryoga-level strength in girl form.

Someone please follow up on this, I love Pippi Longstocking, but I've never seen or read Ranma 1/2 outside of fanfics.